Discover all the innovations that Active Trail has to offer to help you prepare for the shopping season

November is finally here and that can mean only one thing: the biggest shopping month of them all, is fast upon us.

This year, we really want you to break all your online sales records. Towards this end, we’ve worked very hard to improve the ActiveTrail platform to help you increase your revenues volume, and this month we are proud to introduce to you all the innovations that let you reach as many subscribers as possible, in an easier, more convenient, and simpler than ever before.

All that’s left for you to do is to craft your very best content and promotions, and… sell off your inventory at a breakneck pace 😎.

  1. When ActiveTrail meets social media – a love story is born!

Want to increase your conversion rate? That’s easy! Simply connect your email marketing activity to Facebook and Instagram and begin running smart, multichannel campaigns that meet up with your contacts at just the right time.

You can use our new social media integration to encourage your contacts to complete their purchases  on your online store, offer special deals to customers who haven’t visited your store in a certain amount of time to try and reclaim them and get them to make a purchase, and even to try and convince customers that have unsubscribed to sign-up again by setting triggers and personalizing your messages. In two words – a bonanza!

Learn more about the integration >>

  1. Upgrading security to the next level: DMARC –Google’s email authentication standard that you need to know

If we will tell you that one day, all the emails you worked so hard on, the automations that you built, and the entirety of your email marketing activities would be rendered ineffective, with your emails no longer reaching their destinations (i.e., your subscribers’ inboxes), what would you do?

You’d probably be quite scared We recommend becoming familiar with the DMARC standard aimed at minimizing SPAM. DMARC can threaten the deliverability of your emails, unless you take care to update your systems accordingly and act to implement the standard.

Fear not, however, it only sounds complicated. In practice, it’s a very simple procedure, and we’re here to help you to understand DMARC, and, of course, to implement it.

Read an article that explains everything >>

  1. Open your calendars: Now’s the time to add automatic calendar synchronization to your emails

Planning a flash sale soon?Would you like to invite your contacts to a special sales event or, perhaps, to a webinar? Beginning today, you can add ActiveTrail’s synchronization feature to your calendars, greatly simplifying your customers’ lives. A quick click and your event will automatically be added to their calendars.

* The feature can be accessed under “Blocks” in the 3rd step of the campaign builder workflow (“New Email”).

  1. Timing is everything – Add countdowns to your campaigns

Our new block is, essentially, a small feature that makes a big difference! Are you planning a limited time discount campaign? Our Timer block lets you emphasize the message that time is short  and motivate your subscribers to take advantage of the discount before it expires!

* The feature can be accessed under “Blocks” in the 3rd step of the campaign builder workflow (“New Email”).

  1. You next destination: Your business! Introducing the automatic navigation button, by way of Waze

It’s true, COVID 19 taught us all to do everything online, but now, as the world is slowly learning to live alongside the pandemic, we figure that many customers might want (or need) to come to your business in person, or to attend events held by your business. So… To help them easily and conveniently navigate to your location we’ve added an automatic navigation button that connects to Waze with a single click, providing driving instructions to the specified destination. A small improvement that will increase traffic to your store or attendance at your events – guaranteed.

To try out the feature, click on the “Links editor”, in the “Design” phase (step 3) of the campaign builder workflow (“New Email”) and select the appropriate type (“Waze”) from the “Link to’ dropdown:

  1. What’s up with your customer service? Add a direct link your WhatsApp business chat

Do you have a WhatsApp for business account that you use to service your customers? From now on, you can add a button to your email campaigns that will redirect your subscribers directly to your WhatsApp service chat. This feature let’s you make your business more available to your customers, to shorten waiting times, and to grow your overall sales numbers.

To try out the feature, click on the “Links editor”, in the “Design” phase (step 3) of the campaign builder workflow (“New Email”) and select the appropriate type (“WhatsApp”) from the “Link to’ dropdown:

That’s it for now, friends. As you can see, October was a busy and exciting month for us. As usual, we continue to work hard for you and are here to help with any need you may have.

And, as always, if you have questions about any of the updates, or in general, we invite you to contact us at +1 (929) 214-1037, or write us <link is to>, and we’ll be happy to help.