Online survey tools – Get into your customers’ heads
Politicians, scholars and spiritual consultants have been telling us for years that knowledge is power. Now marketing experts are joining the herd, claiming that good internet marketing is achieved by those who can get into their customers’ heads. The best tool for doing so is an online survey software.
Using ActiveTrail’s system, you can create an online survey, which includes a wide variety of questions (including open-ended question) – with a few clicks of the mouse. And yet, no matter how advanced the online survey tool, there are still a few things you should know before designing your own survey.
Ten tips for surveys done right:
1. Brainstorm. What is the information that I want to obtain from this survey? Should I focus on a specific product or service? What actions will I take using the new information attained from the online survey?
2. How will the number and type of questions integrate with your intended survey design?
3. Rate your questions based on degree of importance, the most important questions should come first.
4. Use your friends, coworkers and family. If any of the questions aren’t completely clear to them, rephrase them.
5. Make sure your questions are objective. Don’t direct your customers towards a certain answer if you want your results to be trustworthy.
6. Use open-ended questions. Instead of asking: “Do you use the product on a daily basis?” ask: “How do use the product in your daily routine?”
7. Write a few different questions for each subject and then pick the best one to use in your survey.
8. Don’t get stuck on open-ended questions, they may provide more information but also require much more time to analyze. Use both open-ended and multiple choice.
9. Measure how much time your online survey will take from your clients. An online survey shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes.
10. Test your survey on a small number of clients. Use their answers and feedback to make final adjustments before sending the survey out to all your recipients.
Remember, the survey results will guide your marketing efforts. Write your survey sensibly and professionally. Make sure not to annoy your clients, don’t lose potential customers because of the survey. If your recipients feel that the survey is meant to benefit them, they’ll show interest and participate gladly, make sure they get that feeling.
Feel you’re ready? You can start designing your own surveys using ActiveTrail’s online survey tool.